
Unep Geo 5
unep geo 5

Unep Geo 5 Series Of Environmental

The release of GEO-5 (the Fifth Global Environment Outlook) in 2012 provided an opportunity to.The GEO-5 assessment report has three distinct, yet related parts: Part 1 is an assessment of the state and trends of the global environment in relation to key internationally agreed goals such as Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agreed in 2000 and goals of various multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) based on national, regional and global analyses and datasets.The new report is based on UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook (GEO-5) the UN’s most comprehensive assessment of the state of the global environment. The organization also develops international environmental agreements publishes and promotes environmental science and helps national governments achieve environmental targets.UNEP-MCC collaborative research initiative (20132017). Its mandate is to provide leadership, deliver science and develop solutions on a wide range of issues, including climate change, the management of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and green economic development. It was established by Maurice Strong, its first director, after the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in June 1972. This GEO report, prepared by experts from across the globe, traces the history and astonishing biology of the deserts and assesses likely future changes in deserts.The United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP) is responsible for coordinating responses to environmental issues within the United Nations system. The Global Deserts Outlook is the first thematic report in the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) series of environmental assessments by UNEP.

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This conference resulted in a Declaration on the Human Environment (Stockholm Declaration) and the establishment of an environmental management body, which was later named the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). In this conference various topics were discussed such as pollution, marine life, protection of resources, environmental change, and disasters relating to natural and biological change. Strong, through the sincerity of his advocacy, soon made it clear that all of us, irrespective of the stage of our development, have a large stake in the matter." After developing organisations such as the International Labour Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization, the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (the Stockholm Conference) was convened. In the words of Nigerian professor Adebayo Adedeji: "Mr. The leadership of Canadian diplomat Maurice Strong convinced many of the developing nations' governments that they needed to prioritize this issue. Some argued that environmental concerns were not a priority for nations in poverty.

The Environmental Fund, which all nations of UNEP invest in, is the core source of UNEP's programs. The finances related to all programs of UNEP is voluntarily contributed by Member states of the United Nations. The 'Voluntary Indicative Scale of Contribution' established in 2002 has the role to increase the supporters of the UNEP. At the time, US$40 million were pledged by the United States and the remainder by 50 other nations. Headquarters were established in Nairobi, Kenya, with a staff of 300, including 100 professionals in a variety of fields, and with a five-year fund of more than US$100 million.

He was also secretary-general of both the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and the Earth Summit (1992).The position was then held for 17 years (1975–1992) by Mostafa Kamal Tolba, who was instrumental in bringing environmental considerations to the forefront of global thinking and action. Governance Executive Director In December 1972, the UN General Assembly unanimously elected Maurice Strong to be the first head of UN Environment. The location of UNEP in Nairobi was taken as "an explicitly political decision". Many of the developing countries were "not particularly supportive of creating a new formal institution for environmental governance", but supported its creation as an act of "Southern solidarity". At first, Mexico City, New Delhi, and Cairo were also competing to be the headquarters, but they pulled out to support Nairobi in an act of "Third World solidarity". The location of the headquarters proved to be a major controversy, with developed countries preferring Geneva, where several other UN offices are based, while developing countries preferred Nairobi, as that would be the first international organization headquartered in the Global South.

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It reports on the state of the global environment, assesses policies, and aims to provides an early warning of emerging environmental threats. Science Division: aims to provide scientifically credible environmental assessments and information for sustainable development. Structure UNEP's structure includes eight divisions: Created in 2012 to replace the Governing Council, it currently has 193 members and meets every two years.

It addresses the environmental causes and consequences of disasters and conflicts. Ecosystems Division: supports countries in conserving, restoring and managing their ecosystems. This division ensures other divisions are coordinated. Policy and Programme Division: makes the policy and programme of the UNEP.

It helps strengthen the visibility, authority and impact of the Assembly as an authoritative voice on the environment. The office serves UNEP's governing body, the United Nations Environment Assembly, and its subsidiary organ, the Committee of Permanent Representatives, and manages their meetings. Governance Affairs Office: engages member states and other relevant groups to use UNEP's work. It has three main branches: Chemicals and Health, Energy and Climate, and Resources and Markets. Economy Division: tries to get large businesses to be more environmentally conscious.

It delivers them to governments to individuals through the digital and traditional media channels. Communication Division: develops and disseminates UNEP's messages. The law division aims to improve cooperation between lawmakers around the world who are making environmental laws. Works with countries to combat environmental crime and to meet international environmental commitments.

As well as preventing natural disasters, the UNEP supports countries such as to make laws or policies which protect the countries from getting serious damage by disasters. It contributes to the reduction of the origin of disasters by controlling the balance of ecosystems and actively support Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction which aims to reduce the risk of disasters (DRR). UNEP has endeavored to lighten the influence of emergencies or natural disasters on human health and to prepare for future disasters. including the Territorial Approach to Climate Change (TACC)

The information which UNEP shares is based on the latest science and is collected in a proper way. UNEP provides information and data on the global environment to stakeholders including governments, non-governmental organizations and the public for them to engage in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals.

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